Funeral One is a great resources for the funeral industry and they author some very good blog posts like this one that is the result of non-death-care-people talking about us like we’re not even in the room.

For example: Do you think funeral directors say good mourning at the start of each day?

Their response this and others, is good.

I get so wrapped up in my work that I often forget that not everyone else has the contact with the concept of mourning, grief, and some of the viscerals of death.  Part of this is a symptom of being an entrepreneur, but it does take a certain amount of effort to not slip into shop talk with the “normals”.  My two little girls are growing up with some not usual conversations at the dinner table and during car rides.  Not sure how many other six-year-olds know what an urn is or how many of them have fathers who design and build remembrance products.

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