On October 25th, we have $225 worth of matched funds available from Hatchfund. We need your support in donation on October 25th in order to actually receive the funds from Hatchfund. Our campaign manager told us that those funds disappear really quickly, and that we need people to contribute starting right at 9:00 pm on Friday evening, the 24th if youโ€™re on the West Coast, or at 12:00 am on Saturday the 25th if youโ€™re on the East Coast, to have a chance at doubling those gifts. If you could consider making a contribution at that time, I would be so grateful! Any amount you give will be doubled as long as the matching funds havenโ€™t run out, so your gift will go twice as far.

If this is something you could consider, here is the procedure:

  1. Visit our Hatchfund project, https://www.hatchfund.org/project/sand_pail_and_footprints_infant_urns at 9:00 pm this Friday, October 24th (or 12:00 am on Saturday, October 25th for East Coasters).
  2. The phrase โ€œMatching funds now availableโ€ will appear in a box right under our video as soon as the Match Fund is activated. When you see this box, click โ€œDonate to this projectโ€ to have your contribution doubled.

Thanks so much for helping my project and making a donation! I know that there are lots of appeals for donations out there, and I appreciate you considering mine. This project means a lot to me, and I would love to add your name to my list of supporters.

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