Leather Jacket Urn and Keepsake Box

Up-cycled Leather Jacket Urn

This patron’s husband wore this jacket when they met and it needed to be incorporated into the urn. She was also inspired by the furniture nails used in the prop urn in “PS I Love You”. The couple had recently purchased a convertible and the request was given to provide a way to bring him with her so they could still watch sunsets together.

Our solution is this fairly large object that has a wide variety of features. The upholstered pockets at sides function as storage for paper mementos, the lid opens to reveal a memento storage area and storage for the travel urn, a deep and wide cremains storage area with volume for two.

  • 26″ x 16″ x 20″
  • oak
  • linseed oil 
  • upcycled leather jacket from deceased
  • furniture hardware
  • flocking