Dog Urn Collar Holder and Photo Frame
A dog urn with collar holder with photo frame inspired by the dog’s tongue, angel wings, paws, and flowers… this might seem like a lot to incorporate into one object, but please check out the project page to see the details.
Carving Complete
Surface prep is all that remains on the main body. There is an inner device that will act as a collar holder and photo/portrait frame.
Custom Pet Urn In Progress
Just seems like a nice vase at this point. More updates to come.
Custom Urn, Travel Urn, Keepsake Box With Upholstered Jacket
Photos need to be retouched and have the backgrounds removed yet… The main piece of this commission opens from the front to reveal a felt lined compartment in the bottom for cremains. The piece in the foreground fits over this area, concealing the ashes while...
The Squid, Custom Infant Urn
Dylan Lucas Mathews was referred affectionately as “The Squid” while in utero.