Formerly Memento Memorials, the mission is the same, just with far fewer letter M's:REMEMBRANCE DESERVES

Value that arises out of visceral response to what an object is and what the user experiences.

Appropriateness in function and aesthetics while potentially challenging accepted standards.

Care not just for the quality of build, but for how the user interacts physically and emotionally.
Chris and Shelley Harvan took their time navigating the death care industry waters to try to build something sustainable that is more than a business: a way to nourish human need and hopefully ease even the smallest bit of anguish in times of loss.
We think everyone deserves something real and made by hand in those times. The goal is to make craftsmanship reasonably priced while offering truly unique and amazing works of art.
We met while getting BFAs in Drawing at The Cleveland Institute of Art and married years after graduation. Aril was began as a collaboration.
Throughout the years, we have seen the passing of friends and family and have always been disappointed in the products for keeping memories of the deceased close at hand. As a result, we have taken pencil to paper and tools to wood in order to create personal memorials for those left behind.