Rebel Eagle Memorial

Rebel Eagle Memorial

Rebel Eagle Memorial Testament of Life Eagle Memorial Based on the deceased's passion for Star Wars, an X-wing Fighter was a point of inspiration.  His participation in Bald Eagle rehabilitation also informed the design. The first version of the design for this...
Memorial Sculpture Design

Memorial Sculpture Design

Memorial Sculpture Design The process for creating something that has never been made before can be bumpy.  This memorial sculpture was inspired by the eagle rehab the deceased was involved in and an X-wing Fighter from Star Wars - he was a major fan. What originated...
Lemniscate Arrowhead Memorial

Lemniscate Arrowhead Memorial

Lemniscate Arrowhead Memorial Arrowhead Memorial This garden memorial is inspired by the life, love, and relationship of the deceased. He practiced flintknapping as a soon to be archeologist and celebrated the lemniscate (infinity) as a symbol of the bond between he...